Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Home Damaged in a Hurricane? Here’s How the Insurance Claim Process Works
Home owners whose properties were damaged by a hurricane will likely be visited by insurance adjusters who will decide how their claims are settled.
Adjusters are licensed by states to assess damage. Some adjusters work for the insurance company while others work on a temporary basis for your insurance company to help it handle claims after a natural disaster.
Claims visits are arranged by the severity of the damage, so it is important to provide your insurer with an accurate description of your property damage.
Policyholders who have been most severely impacted or have immediate financial or safety concerns will be a priority for the insurance company as well as those with a family member with special needs.
Many claims adjusters have special disaster recovery expertise, and it’s common for insurance companies to deploy these individual experts for complex claims, such as those involving considerable structural damage due to wind, damage due to flooding, and the destruction of a majority of personal property within the home.
Some people choose to hire public adjusters to handle their claim. Public adjusters work for you and you pay them by sharing a percentage of your claim amount. Many people choose to engage the services of a public adjuster when they have limited time to manage their own claim.
If you have flood insurance from the National Flood Insurance Program, you’ll likely have to work with at least two adjusters: one adjuster representing your home owners insurance company, who will process wind-related damage, and another representing the NFIP, who will handle damage from flooding.
Keep in mind that if you disagree with the settlement amount of your claim, your policy allows for an independent appraisal of the loss. In this case, both you and your insurance company hire independent appraisers who choose a mediator. You and your insurance company each pay for your appraiser and share the other costs. The decision of any two of these three people is binding. However, disputes rarely get to this stage. To help you prepare for the claims process: Make sure your insurance company knows how to reach you. Provide your cell phone number and backup contacts, if they are available. If at all possible, you should try to meet the claims adjuster at your property, providing it is safe to do so.
Complete a Proof of Loss form in advance and bring home inventory documents. The more information you have about your damaged possessions, the faster your claim will be settled. If you completed a home inventory in advance of the storm, this will be a valuable tool as you will need to make a list of all damaged items to give your claims adjuster.
This will include make and model numbers of your possessions, purchase dates and the price you paid. Most insurers have home inventory forms you can use to complete this step. You will also want to make a list of any damage you want to show the adjuster.
Photograph debris or destroyed items and ask your insurer if debris can be removed. Generally, you should not throw away any damaged items until the claims adjuster has visited. It is also a good idea to photograph or take video of the property damage. Many insurers have the ability to accept this photographic documentation online.
Know that the first claims check you receive is often an advance, not a final settlement. You may be offered a settlement check from the adjuster on the initial visit. If so, you can accept it immediately and, if other damage is discovered within the timeframe stated in your insurance policy, the claim can be reopened.
Most states allow at least one year from the date of the disaster to file or reopen a claim, and some states allow more time. You may receive three separate checks from your insurer: one for damage to the structure, one for losses related to personal belongings, and a third check for additional living expenses that you incur while your home is being repaired.
The time it takes to complete the claims process depends on the extent of the damage and the availability of contractors and resources to repair your home. Once you have reported your claim, you can check on its status with your insurer by phone or online.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
BOP it: Don Bullard and business insurance coverage
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Don Bullard image credit: marblebridge.com |
Business owners may find that they need extra coverage to protect their investments and recover quickly from unexpected events. Don Bullard, a Wilmington, North Carolina-based insurance agent, provides business owners with business insurance coverage to help them protect their investments.
Unforeseen events such as lawsuits are a danger to a business and its capital resources. Regardless of its size, businesses have little chance of withstanding heavy financial blows without some form of financial protection. Hence, business owners often find themselves in need of a comprehensive insurance policy to protect their investments and to assure its future growth and development.
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Don Bullard image credit: bcbib.com |
Commonly known as a business owner’s policy (or BOP), this insurance protects the business and the time and effort its proprietors have given it. Don Bullard offers BOPs that are flexible and can be tailored to the specific requirements of a business. The coverage he and his firm offer include property insurance, general and excess liability, vehicle coverage, workers compensation, and group benefits.
No business is invincible from the ravages of accidents and lawsuits. Being ensured, though it may seem confusing to the business owner at first, can make all the difference for a business in the event of unforeseen circumstances.
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Don Bullard image credit: midaminsurance.com |
Further information on BOP and many other insurance coverage options can be accessed from the official website of Don Bullard Insurance.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Don Bullard Insurance: Building mutual relations with clients
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Don Bullard image credit: jrmatsen.com |
Tim Milam, president of Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty, has been partnering with Don Bullard for over 15 years to work on his personal and business insurance needs. As the main resource for Tim’s insurance requirements, Don has developed opportunities that helped him display excellent performance despite fluctuations in the finance sector. “He has helped so many of our over 300 sales associates of Sea Coast Realty and has become the ‘go to guy’ for our insurance needs,” says Tim.
Don Bullard, a Wilmington-based insurance executive, provides competitive insurance products and services to locations such as Corolla and Calabash. He is renowned for being compassionate to his clients and for providing them with reliable services. Thus, there is no question why he ranks among North Carolina’s most preferred insurance professionals.
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Don Bullard image credit: marblebridge.com |
Another client is Coldwell Banker Sea Coast Realty’s Brett Knowles. He has found Don Bullard to be an outstanding service provider of insurance products related to real estate transactions. “This closing would not have occurred if not for the detailed information [Don] personally provided all parties and the willingness to resolve the insurance issue presented,” explains Brett. “[He was] able to accomplish this after the clients had been told by two other insurance agents that it could not be done.” As a Top Producing Realtor in Wilmington, Brett relies on professionals who can efficiently get the job done for his clients. That said, he has appreciated Don’s dedication in assisting him and his team with their clients’ insurance needs.
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Don Bullard image credit: donbullard.com |
For more client testimonials on Don Bullard’s services, visit this website.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Don Bullard: Dealing with reckless drivers
You have never gotten involved in an accident since you handled the wheel at age 16. Everybody feels safe when you are the one in the driver seat. Yes, you take driving seriously. After all, it is your life and those of others that are at stake.
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Don Bullard image credit: slaterzurz.files.wordpress.com |
But this morning, while cruising down the highway, you encountered the driver everybody is trying to steer clear off. You are almost at your destination when the reckless one ruins your day … and your bumper.
Car accidents can happen anytime and one way to protect yourself is by having a Don Bullard car insurance.
Insurance experts have some tips you can follow after suffering an accident caused by irresponsible drivers:
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The driver who refuses to give insurance information. When a driver refuses to exchange insurance information, get the maker and model of the car and its license plate details. You can also use a camera to take a photo of the scene.
The driver who hits your car and drives away. Take note of the license plate and the model and color of the car. If someone is injured because of the collision, call the police because driving away from the accident is considered a felony.
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Don Bullard image credit: 2cargarage.files.wordpress.com |
The driver with no insurance. Get the name of the driver and car detail. If you have collision coverage, it should cover any damages to your own vehicle, according to insurance experts, like Don Bullard.
Protect yourself and your vehicle from car accidents by getting insured. Visit www.donbullard.com for more details.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Swept away: Don Bullard on flooding and flood risks
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Don Bullard Image Credit: Edhunnicutt.com |
Persistent rainfall combined with melting snowpack caused historical flooding along the Mississippi River and its tributaries in 2011. Estimated economic losses range from $3 to 4 billion. Fourteen people were reported killed in Arkansas. Death toll from the raging floods reached 392 across seven states. Thousands of homes were ordered evacuated, including over 1,300 in Memphis, Tennessee, and more than 24,500 in Louisiana and Mississippi.
The National Weather Service notes that more people in the United States are killed by floods than other types of severe weather. The organization points out that in recent years, only heat surpassed flood fatalities.
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Don Bullard Image Credit: DonBullard.com |
Anywhere it rains, it can flood. Thus, insurance experts, like Don Bullard, assert the importance of flood insurance. Although many homeowners deemed it unnecessary, flood insurance is important if people wish to keep their homes safe and possessions secure. All it takes is a few inches of water to cause damage to a home and its contents.
For example, according to FloodSmart.gov, total losses incurred as a result of 6 inches of flood water in a 1,000-square-foot home is around $20,150. For the same height of flood in a 2,000-square-foot home, total losses climb to $39,150.
Flood coverage offers protection against such kind of losses which result from heavy and lengthy rainfall, storm surges, blocked storm drainage systems, and snowmelt, among others. Different types of policies are available based on a property’s location and its flood history.
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Don Bullard Image Credit: BankBazaar.com |
To know more about the flood insurance policies offered by Don Bullard Insurance, visit www.donbullard.com.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Distractions and accidents: Don Bullard on liability auto insurance coverage
The NCDOT and other experts agree that speeding and driver distraction are two of the top causes auto accidents. With their prevalence in the state, it became a requirement for all drivers to have liability coverage to protect motorists should accidents occur.
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Don Bullard Image credit: CBSDetroit.Files.Wordpress.com |
Liability auto insurance is comprised of three separate components: bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident, and property damage. Bodily injury refers to when a policy holder is responsible for an accident and hurts another person. Property damage is when a policy holder causes damage to another person’s property, which includes a car and/or structural repair.
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Don Bullard Image credit: Slaterzurz.Files.Wordpress.com |
Don Bullard Insurance emphasizes that liability coverage only pays for the victim of an accident should the policy holder be at fault. Also, there might be instances that the policy holders have financial responsibilities that exceed their liability limits. For example, the driver incurred $85,000 worth of damages and only has an insurance limit of $65,000. In this case, the driver is responsible for the remaining $20,000 and could be sued for it.
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Don Bullard Image credit: DonBullard.com |
Because of this risk, agents at Don Bullard Insurance encourage everyone to insure themselves above the minimum requirement to minimize the risk of out of pocket expenses should accidents arise. Additional information about the insurance firm may be accessed at www.donbullard.com.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Avoiding lawsuits in your own home: Don Bullard and personal liability protection
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Don Bullard Photo credit: www.investoffshore.com |
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Don Bullard Insurance’s team of experts can provide clients with a homeowners insurance policy that fits their individual needs. More information is available at www.donbullard.com.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Don Bullard Insurance: Keeping that truck running with commercial vehicle insurance
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Don Bullard Photo Credit: images.askmen.com |
Commercial vehicles are an investment that provides much benefit to a growing business in terms of mobility. Unforeseen accidents can be costly both in terms of the amount of money spent in repairing the vehicle and the amount of time and revenue lost due to the vehicle not being operational. Most business owners would need the exact same insurance benefits for their commercial vehicles as they would a private vehicle; even more so when the vehicle in question acts as both.
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Don Bullard Photo Credit: images.askmen.com |
The commercial auto insurance provided by Don Bullard for Wilmington’s business owners would depend on the type of driving they do. Don Bullard Insurance offers a number of insurance policies for many different kinds of commercial vehicles like box trucks, commercial trucks, commercial vans, business automobiles, tow trucks, and garbage trucks.
Whether they own a single vehicle of a fleet of them, business owners can benefit from the safety net offered by commercial vehicle insurance, which would cover certain expenses entailed in the event of an accident.
Don Bullard Photo Credit: donbullard.com |
For the residents of Wilmington, North Carolina, information on this service and many others can be accessed from the Don Bullard Insurance website.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Don Bullard and Wilmington NC Health Insurance: Creating customized insurance policies
Don Bullard Photo Credit:www.a0.twimg.com |
Having an insurance policy is encouraged since it will eventually cut your costs, especially when you get sick and need medical attention. Getting insurance is a wise decision for it prevents paying for medical bills during emergencies. What’s worse than not being insured is that it leaves you with years of debt due to the expenses incurred during your stay at the hospital. To add to that, being uninsured means you’re less likely to have preventive care, making you more prone to illnesses and hospitalization. Many health policies even extended their coverage beyond standard medical care, offering allowances and memberships.
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Don Bullard Photo Credit:www.liko.se |
Don Bullard’s Wilmington Health Insurance offers coverage for the following:
• Doctor consultations
• Prescriptions
• Laboratory and other medical tests
• Specialized care
• Surgical procedures
At Don Bullard Insurance, you can rest assured that you get the best policy that works for you. The firm has insurance agents to help you create a coverage that considers your needs, health situation, and financial status. Other types of affordable health care coverage from the company are Indemnity Health Plans, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), and Basic and Essential Health Plans, among others.
Don Bullard Photo Credit:hwww.donbullard.com |
More information about Don Bullard, its Wilmington Health Insurance, and other insurance policies can be accessed at www.donbullard.com.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Don Bullard: Why auto insurance is important
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Don Bullard Photo Credit: flickr.com |
In the country, majority of states require drivers to first obtain car insurance prior to taking their vehicles on the road. Aside from the fact that it is mandatory, having car insurance is also a sure way of protecting yourself and your car. It is important in recovering from the financial and emotional damages that a vehicular accident can bring.
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Don Bullard Photo Credit: lifesure.co.uk |
It is best to look for an insurance company that can offer you a wide array of auto insurance coverage to choose from. At Don Bullard, there are insurance agents who can help you in conducting extensive research on the available options before choosing the plan that suits your needs. Among the auto insurance plans the company offers are:
• Full policy coverage -- offers protection if an accident occurs due to an error on the part of the policy holder
• Collision coverage – takes care of all the repair and replacement expenses
• Comprehensive coverage – covers the damages that occur or might have occurred from events other than accidents, such as flood or theft
• Personal injury – includes basic expenses like hospital bills and even part of income loss due to accidents
• Liability auto insurance coverage – protects accident victim if the policy holder is at fault
• Uninsured motorist coverage– protection against uninsured care drivers
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Don Bullard Photo Credit: businessinsider.com |
For more information on auto insurance, visit Don Bullard Insurance’s website at www.donbullard.com.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Don Bullard and Wilmington's BOP: A shield for business owners
From Don Bullard |
For Don Bullard, Wilmington’s business owners play an undeniably important role in the community. However, recent economic problems have placed a lot of proprietors and their businesses in jeopardy, causing some to declare bankruptcy, and others to exert double effort to meet profit goals. The last thing business owners need is a sudden reason to spend their hard-earned income. To help them, Don Bullard offers a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) that can be tailored to fit virtually any proprietor’s insurance need.
From Don Bullard |
A typical BOP includes the following coverage:
Property Insurance – This provides coverage for the business’ properties: the buildings, equipment, and inventory, among others, and is useful for coping with any damage wrought on business property.
General Liability – For Don Bullard, Wilmington’s business proprietors should have the means to protect themselves in case they or their employees cause injury, damage to property, and monetary loss. This provides coverage for any liabilities incurred in the course of the business.
Excess Liability – A business’ allotted calamity budget can sometimes be inadequate when an actual disaster strikes. This part of the insurance automatically kicks in and covers for any excess when the business’ liability limits have been reached.
Vehicle Coverage – This covers for all the vehicles owned by the business and kicks in in case of damage or loss.
Workers Compensation – This is required by the law, and is meant to cover for any injury employees might receive due to the performance of their duties.
Group Benefits – This covers for additional benefits for employees. The said benefits are usually given to make sure that personnel are happy and motivated to keep their jobs—something any business needs to ensure smooth operations.
From Don Bullard |
To learn more about the difference made by Don Bullard in Wilmington, visit www.donbullard.com.